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Fanuc weave sine

Fanuk sinusoidal weaving
Hi everyone
Our company recently acquired RoboDK.
And now I have questions about the organization of the welding process
We use FANUK robot (AM120IB 30A B PPL)
In manual learning mode, we used the "wave sine" function to get sinusoidal motion along the weld
At this moment, I am trying to get this trajectory using Solidworks tools.
I am interested in precision trajectory tuning.
If I use Solidworks tools I have two problems - I spend a lot of time on this and the robot program is very large (more than 100KB for one seam)
Are there some similar tools in the RoboDK program for obtaining similar results without wasting to mch time and memory resources?
在RoboDK是的,这是可能的。您可以添加一个ttached script in your project, then run it to convert any program to a sinus curve.

You can change the parameters in the header to customize the size wave curve.

Attached Files
.py 8.39 KB / Downloads: 207)
If I can also add,
Fanuc robots generally have integrated welding features.
If set properly, you can send them a straight line and the controller will convert that to a sine wave.

You can trigger this option with RDK by adding "ArcStart" and "ArcEnd" to "Path Start" and "Path Finished" in the "Program Events" section of your Curve Follow Project.
By letting the controller manage the sine wave, you should get smaller program files.

Hope it helps.
Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting ourOnline Documentationand by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

(10-27-2020, 02:52 PM)Albert Wrote:在RoboDK是的,这是可能的。您可以添加一个ttached script in your project, then run it to convert any program to a sinus curve.

You can change the parameters in the header to customize the size wave curve.

Thank you for answer and help with file!

(10-27-2020, 05:32 PM)Jeremy Wrote:If I can also add,
Fanuc robots generally have integrated welding features.
If set properly, you can send them a straight line and the controller will convert that to a sine wave.

You can trigger this option with RDK by adding "ArcStart" and "ArcEnd" to "Path Start" and "Path Finished" in the "Program Events" section of your Curve Follow Project.
By letting the controller manage the sine wave, you should get smaller program files.

Hope it helps.

Thank you for help.
Before this time - we use "wave sine" option while doing programs manually.
So ok, now I must learn how to do it with RDK
Hi Yurivin,

Using this feature is relatively straight forward.

You can add a program call to the keywords "ArcStart" and "ArcEnd" wherever you want.

最简单的方法是我来实现它n your Curve follow project.
Pictures bellow show you how to do it and the final result you can expect.

Hope it helps.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting ourOnline Documentationand by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

Yes, I got the same result in my code:
"Wave sine [2.0 Hz,8.0mm, 0.75s, 0.075]"
Thank you!
Is it possible to change parameters of "wave sine" at RDK?
Because at our robot - we use several variants of "ws".
And one more think - I just begin to learn your program, so I have to much questions about offline programming welding processes at Fanuc.
Is it any webinars, or info, that specified on this theme - "welding by fanuk" or something like that.
Of course 'I'll search that info at forum and documentation. but may be that exist in some specific rubrics.
Thank you for your time.
Hi there,

Simply add parameters to your ArcStart to change the Weave Sine:

Here's the documentation relative to Fanuc robots:

It's not specific to welding though.

Have a great day.
Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting ourOnline Documentationand by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

(10-29-2020, 06:07 PM)Jeremy Wrote:It's not specific to welding though.

It's very bad for me that is no any specific info about welding by FANUK robots.
Becouse now I have a lot questions to your program and no have time to searching for answers thruogh all of the internet.
Is it posible to create any video lesson where you show, how to use all posibilities of RoboDK for creating program for welding by FANUC?
The video, that will be specialized on welding by FANUC - where you will show how and explaine how to create program for complex sructures wich using different perameters of weling(I mean when it need to weld parts with different thikness and in different positions)
If possible - when it can be done?
I'd attached example of construction, that are not the same by geometry and purpose of what I need, but this fully reflects all the needs that we have when welding.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip TRY 1.11 MB / Downloads: 156)
.pdf TRY 1 WELD.PDF(Size: 39.34 KB / Downloads: 152)
Hi Yuri,

I will keep that request in mind, but I don't have the time to create such a video this year.
Creating tutorials that make sense do take a very long time. I'm sorry for that.

Find useful information about RoboDK and its features by visiting ourOnline Documentationand by watching tutorials on ourYoutube Channel.

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